Lo Stanford Humanities Lab. porta avanti progetti di ricerca tra cui spiccano quelli dedicati al videogioco, alla sua storia e alla sua archiviazione. Le attività si possono seguire sul sito principale e sui link dei vari progetti. L’attività convegnistica e di ricerca esterna viene aggiornata in tempo reale attraverso blog e filmati stimolando l’intervento di ricercatori e utenti comuni. Eccone una breve presentazione tratta dalla home page.
SHL, the Stanford Humanities Lab, is a Center for Transdiciplinary/Post-Disciplinary Study. We discover fascinating futures to be explored in ignoring and crossing disciplinary borders. With new developments in areas such as biotech, digital culture, global society, SHL believes that some crucial questions — about what it is to be human, about experience in a connected world, about the boundaries of culture and nature — transcend the old divisions between the arts, sciences and humanities, between the academy, industry and the cultural sphere. We engage in experimental projects with a "laboratory" ethos — collaborative, co-creative, team-based — involving a triangulation of arts practice, commentary/critique, and outreach, merging research, pedagogy, publication and practice. We don't just comment and discuss, we build: new media, interactive archives, predictive models of social change, new courses, collaborative research workshops, art exhibitions. SHL has an agenda to • animate archives - regenerate, bring to life and use the storehouses of human, cultural, artistic, scientific achievement - a focus on the great question of the relationship of the human past to our efforts at conservation and preservation
• build bigger pictures - put specialized in-depth research into the context of big human questions; questions, for example, of rapid social change and innovation, the ethical implications of information technology, the character of distributed digital communities, the politics of digital citizenship
• enable co-creative collaborative work - one of the traditional cornerstones of academic collegiality; and because the whole is always more than the sum of the parts
Su questo link si possono seguire interventi e presentazioni in video del direttore e fondatore del laboratorio, Prof. Jeffrey Schnapp, e di altri partecipanti, estratti dalla conferenza Frontiers of Interaction III, tenutasi a Milano il 28 Giugno 2007.
| sim tower, maxis, pc, 1994. | |