The taste of the landscape towards itineraries of geo-photographical observing: Bassa, Collina, Pianura di mezzo
Coordinator: Carlo Quintelli Curator: Luca Boccacci,
Photographers: Michele Corso, Elisa Govi, Pier Luigi Montali
Architecture and photography, apart from a collaboration that appears now quite obvious, could instrumentally integrate themselves in the critic-project interpretation of the landscape? A sort of systematic patrol of the territory between Parma, Reggio and Modena, lead towards articulate itineraries and contradictory presences, that tries to determine the elements that can be ascribed to an identity-making vocation of the landscape progress.
La stanza del laboratorio di ricerca rimane aperta alle critiche, ai contributi e alle domande dei visitatori. Interloquendo con i curatori entri a far parte di una ricerca intesa come processo partecipato di conoscenza ed interpretazione.
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